Friday, 30 November 2012

Rest and relax before the Christmas rush...

Have been working so hard on my website that I have worn myself to a frazzle. Time for a break.

So I took a couple of days off.  I have been working in my studio making jewellery that I sell on Etsy. Not ready to put anything up yet, would like about 10 items. Have sketched out about six designs and have the first one nearly completed.

Saturday I'm taking the day off. No chores, to shopping, just visiting with friends, maybe an hour in a teashop, a drive in the country, relax and rest. The Christmas rush is just around the corner, the tree, the decorations, the food, the gifts. Women seem to take care of most of these things and I usually enjoy it. But I have to pace myself this year, I've been so tired.

The goods news is since we are planning a month away in Portugal in February and March we have all agreed to keep Christmas small, no big gifts, no major feasts. We'll decorate the house and invite friends and make Christmas baskets for the neighbours full of home made preserves, cookies, truffles and all the fun things we make all year.  We bough about a dozen baskets at the Goodwill and I have ribbons and decorations put aside I've been buying all year at yard sales.  It's just a matter of figuring out what we'll put in the baskets this year.

For now, though, just enjoying a quiet time by the fire. The dogs sleeping, Dad sleeping, D. sleeping. A good book to read later.  Hope your December starts and ends well.

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