I've been busy researching and writing while a good friend does some proofreading and minor edits for me. Thank God for friends. I'm a whiz at proofing other people's work but my eyes begin to cross when I have to proofread my own. This is one of the wonderful benefits of a writer's group, not just the feedback on your tone, your voice, etc., but the nitty gritty of proofreading and friendly comments about too many commas and sentences that go on and on, like this one.
It can be hard to stay on track with visitors, appointments, travel arrangements and the day-to-day chores that keep you away from the desk. I've been trying for 2000 words a day, but yesterday 200 was all I managed. Friends stopped by who are going to babysit the farm while we're away in Europe for a month. We had to walk them through the daily chores and then we sat and visited for two hours. I felt a little guilty, because I was thinking of what I wanted to write during the visit, and was secretly making notes on the pad by the phone so I wouldn't forget certain thoughts.
Today I thought I had a clear run for the afternoon, so I spent an hour in the morning with Portuguese lessons. Estou com fome. Estou com sede. Meu cinta esta cor de rosa. It turns out my Dad had a doctor's appointment I'd forgotten about, and after that we went out for lunch because I hadn't prepared anything. We got home around 4:00. This would have been okay, but I had a glass of wine with lunch. I am not a big drinker and the wine combined with a large lunch made me sleepy. A nap was a necessity.
Now it's after 9:00 and I'm finally reading my research and taking notes. Life does get in the way, for all of us. All we can do is regroup and get back to work.
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http://www.chandlernguyen.com/ |
So, perhaps I am in tune with the current state of affairs, moving forward, but slowly. I used to become anxious when I didn't meet my self-imposed deadlines, but I am learning to take a different approach. I still write 4 hours a day as a minimum but if the output isn't what I'd hoped for, at least I worked. I am learning to embrace the tortoise and let the hare run past.
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